- External Academic Internships Committee
- Quality Committee and Working Group FLL PLED
- Economic Committee
- Research Committee
- Promotion Committee
- Communication Committee
- Festival Committee
- Electoral Committee
- Committe for Bachelor’s Degrees of the Faculty of Arts
- Academic Committee for University Master’s Degrees of the Faculty of Arts
- Support Group of the Faculty of Arts to the Campus Catalunya CRAI
External Academic Internships Committee
External Academic Internships Committee
- Juan Luis Gonzalo Iglesia (President)
- Georgina Anguera Figueras (Secretary)
- Katarzyna Baran
- Serena Brigidi
- Isabel Calle Romero
- Joan Casanovas Codina
- Lismary Castillo Marengo
- M. Dolores Gimeno Puyol
- Gala Gómez Merino
- Sandra Iglesia Martín
- David Mauri Estupiñà
- Jordi Moreras Palenzuela
- Damián Muñoz Fuentes
- Carme Oriol Carazo
- Jordi Prades Tena
- Judith Raigal Aran
- Joaquín Ruiz de Arbulo Bayona
- Montse Soronellas Masdeu
Quality Committee
Quality Committee and Working Group FLL PLED
- Marta Serrano Coll (President)
- Raquel Mesas Mata (Secretary)
- Jordi Ginebra Serrabou
- Carlos Lorenzo Merino
- Marta Montagut Calvo
- Antoni Nomdedeu Rull
- Verónica Povedano Villarroel
- Belén Roda Martín
- Montse Soronellas Masdeu
Economic Committee
Economic Committee
- Antoni Nomdedeu Rull (President)
- Belén Roda Martín (Secretary)
- Maria Ramon Cubells Bartolomé
- José Ignacio Fiz Fernández
- Inés García López
- Giovanni Gonzales Asunción
- Sunsi Huertas Roig
- Sandra Iglesia Martín
- Francesc Massip Bonet
Research Committee
Research Committee
- Antoni Nomdedeu Rull (President)
- Belén Roda Martín (Secretary)
- Maria Ramon Cubells Bartolomé
- Jordi Ginebra Serrabou
- Diana Gorostidi Pi
- Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana
- Vanina Hofman
- M. Dolores Jiménez López
- Carlota Moragas Fernández
Promotion Committee
Promotion Committee
- Jordi Ginebra Serrabou (President)
- Belén Roda Martín (Secretary)
- Yolanda Bodoque Puerta
- Arantxa Capdevila Gómez
- Inés García López
- Carlos Lorenzo Merino
- José Antonio Moreno Villanueva
- Samuel Sardà Seuma
- Marta Serrano Coll
Communication Committee
Communication Committee
- Núria Araüna Baro (President)
- Belén Roda Martín (Secretary)
- Yolanda Bodoque Puerta
- Jordi Ginebra Serrabou
- Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana
- Sunsi Huertas Roig
- Carlos Lorenzo Merino
- Antoni Nomdedeu Rull
Festival Committee
Festival Committee
- Jordi Ginebra Serrabou (President)
- Belén Roda Martín (Secretària)
- Núria Araüna Baró
- Giovanni Gonzales Asunción
- José Antonio Moreno Villanueva
- Antoni Nomdedeu Rull
- Verónica Povedano Villarroel
- Marta Serrano Coll
- Iolanda Tortajada
Electoral Committee
Electoral Committee
- Marta Serrano Coll (President)
- Jordi Ginebra Serrabou (Secretary)
- Giovanni Gonzales Asunción
- Carlos Lorenzo Merino
- Raquel Mesas Mata
Committee for Bachelor's Degrees of the Faculty of Arts
Commmittee for Bachelor's Degrees of the Faculty of Arts
- Magí Sunyer Molné (President)
- Belén Roda Martín (Secretary)
- Agustí Andreu Tomàs
- José Ignacio Fiz Fernández
- Inés García López
- Juan Luis Gonzalo Iglesia
- Sandra Iglesia Martín
- Marta Montagut Calvo
- Antoni Nomdedeu Rull
- Samuel Sardà Seuma
Academic Committee for University Master’s Degrees of the Faculty of Arts
Academic Committee for University Master’s Degrees of the Faculty of Arts
- Carlos Lorenzo Merino (President)
- Belén Roda Martín (Secretary)
- Nune Ayvazyan
- Maria Bonet Donato
- Jesús Carruesco Garcia
- Martín Correa-Urquiza Vidal Freyre
- Jordi Farré Coma
- Lídia Gallego Balsà
- Isabel Gibert Escofet
- Diana Gorostidi Pi
- Jordi Moreras Palenzuela
- Antoni Nomdedeu Rull
- Inma Pastor Gosálbez
- Maria Rosa Tamarit Sumalla
- Jaume Vallverdú Vallverdú
Support Group of the Faculty of Arts to the Campus Catalunya CRAI
Support Group of the Faculty of Arts to the Campus Catalunya CRAI
- Inés García López (President)
- Carme Montcusí Puig (Secretary)
- Yolanda Bodoque Puerta
- Maria Bonet Donato
- Natàlia Català Torres
- Antoni Pérez Portabella
- Jesús Carruesco Garcia